The page of a life time

(MCI album)

What’s your all-time favorite album?

Some moments like Some people are not meant to be fully understood so for now, let’s just call them miracles…


Dear diary, if my house catches fire and everything burned down to ashes may these particular pages be refined in the flames because like gold, they grow more valuable as time slowly drifts by.

The first time life opened up this chapter, my eyes caught the sight of a young man casually dressed whose smile came easy and something peculiar about him lingered in the air but I couldn’t put my finger to it.

A few months down the road, life’s pen scribbled a room where he stood as I sat amidst 25 gifted minds saying “someone pinch me hard enough to tell me this isn’t a dream and soft enough not to wake me”

Looking back as we walk down the evenings of this year’s rollercoaster of events, this date crowns the tip of the iceberg as we toast to the young man whose dreams have given many a reason to keep their flames burning.

🥂 To many more lives touched 🥲

Many walked in as aspiring journalists but walked out as revolutionists , others as individuals familiar with cameras yet walked out as masters of freezing moments, others merely as voices that whispered in studios now are voices of power the world is yet to recon with,some purely as writers on pages and now they are writers of destinies. Those like me that rumbled through life and always second guessed our very existence now have the fog clearing up.

This man like a poet, has mastered the art of showing young souls how to paint pictures in their minds with colors they never knew existed in there ….

We celebrate the man who shifts eras but is never altered by seasons

Some people deserve a mention, others pages, some books to be penned down with their name as key flags but this man’s name needs no entitlement as it has been engraved in hearts of hearts of many souls and not even amnesia can knock the memory of the name “Abaas Mpindi” out of treasure chest we keep him in.

The reason we keep dancing through life’s bullets…

He drains out the seriousness and ushers in a lighter side

The sun’s radiance has nothing on his smile, priceless.

Togetherness and building each other is the gospel he lives and preaches

Swag 😎… 20/10.. coolest mentor ever.

This album is but a drop in the ocean for the many untold tales birthed daily, all thanks to one dreamer. Live long!!

Published by: Immaculate Auma

Immaculate Auma is a journalism student at Uganda Christian University. She is a communications enthusiast, passionate about women issues and creative arts. she writes for the Standard, an online University newspaper and uses this platform to scribble down her thoughts. Auma uses her story telling skills to amplify voices that are too afraid to come out of the shadows and draws great satisfaction in penning each fragment of fear to life through her words. "BE A VOICE, NOT AN ECHO"

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